Message From the Chairman

“Together, we are making a tangible difference and fostering positive change in the lives of those we serve.”

Batas Foundation began its noble journey of serving the community since 2008 A.D. with a vision to create a secure, empowered, and prosperous society. Our mission centers around enhancing the quality of life for individuals through developmental and humanitarian initiatives. Similarly, after the massive earthquake in Nepal in the year 2015 A.D. Batas Foundation embarked on a humanitarian journey of saving lives, and supporting communities in times of crisis through proactive planning, preparedness, and effective response.
As someone who deeply values spirituality and well-being, I am profoundly moved by the immense significance of leveraging our Corporate Social Responsibility to undertake numerous initiatives across various districts of Nepal, striving to improve the living conditions of local communities.
Over the years, we have witnessed the remarkable expansion of our foundation’s reach to six provinces of the country, thanks to the invaluable support and partnerships we have formed with various donors. This growth has been made possible through the implementation of a range of projects, which are comprehensively listed in our journey report. Furthermore, we have broadened our scope to encompass diverse thematic areas, Disaster Risk Reduction, Humanitarian and Emergency Response WASH, Education, Sustainable Livelihood and Vocational,and Environment and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).
Our journey towards bettering the community began on a positive note, and I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to both national and international organizations that have played a pivotal role in assisting us with the successful implementation of our programs and projects. Together, we are making a tangible difference and fostering positive change in the lives of those we are privileged to serve.